Sunday, June 30, 2013

You Shouldn't Wanna Be Anybody Else

What is the goals that you want to accomplish before you graduate high school? Could it be to become prom queen or maybe to be the most popular student or maybe to be captain of the football team (being relatable to guys). Its like a dream trying to become one of those things, we would do anything to get that crown and to have that spot light dance with the hottie you had an eyes on all year. But why do we do this? My aunt and I were going through her yearbook and we got to the page were all the prom court was, I asked if she knew what happened to everybody on the prom court and she went on saying that most of them didn't become very successful. They either worked in a store as a cashier or became a waitress, I'm not saying anything is wrong with that but girls work hard their whole school year, being fake, tearing people, just trying to prove how much cooler they are and look were they end up. Their is so much more than wearing the pound of makeup, and wearing the name brand clothing. When I look back at my life in years to come, I'd rather look back knowing I always tried to give a positive outlook to people and studied hard and actually be successful than being someone who tears others down to get that plastic crown for that one night. I know during your time in school you can't see it but their really is so much more to life than just school. It does end at some point than you get to start a new life, and being yourself will get you so much farther than being like someone else. All those popular girls at school will be totally lost when they become apart of the real because they grew up being fake and not knowing who they were, so they end up not knowing what to like or what to do because they pretended to like everything their friends liked. Being different is a good thing, you make your own rules, and you know who you want to be and how you want to make a difference in the world. If your having a bad time at school remember that it will end, and know that you will go big as long as you put your mind to it and stay true to yourself.


  1. Great insight! We all grow at different rates and it's unfortunate that we may not understand that during those teen years we all go through. Actions speak louder than words and being positive sticks. Sometimes you have to make yourself be postive but practice anyway.

    1. Thank you! In trying to make sure teens know that because it sure is a struggle to remember that it's not important. But I'm also learning too :)
