Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Bullied Turning Into The Bully

  Do you get bullied and then start comparing yourself to other people? Saying, well at least I'm not as bad as her or at least I don't look like her. Aren't we just doing what the bullies did to us? Remember this when you see a person sitting alone at lunch or getting picked, on go stand up for them or go sit by them because you were once in that position, and you know exactly how it felt. That person sitting alone feeling like they don't belong and they have so many insecurities that they think they are the weird one, go be a friend to them show them that their are better people out there than "The Popular Girls".  Think twice next time before you start to call somebody fat, or ugly or just simply making fun of one of their insecurities, though you might not of known be careful what you say because you don't know if you pushed them farther to the edge, be kind and remember that you were in there shoes once, be a friend because you were once wondering why all your friends left you. Stay Strong Lovely.

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