Wednesday, June 19, 2013

We've All Been In That Position

   We all know what it's like to be the outcast of your school. We know how it feels to be the one sitting alone at lunch or walking the halls and hearing the whispers all around you or just constant stares as you just try and make it to your class room. Sometimes we feel we have nobody to turn towards because everybody that we trusted and said they'd never turn there back on you ended up doing so, which makes it so we feel we are our own best friends. I know that feeling because I was in that position, I know what its like to feel on top of the world and have many friends then one silly rumor goes around and it seems you are the most hated person around. You feel that something is wrong with you but in reality it something thats wrong with the bullies. Now at the time it just doesn't make any sense but trust me, looking back it does and thats why I'm making this blog to show you that it does get better, and to help you understand that you ARE beautiful and wonderful in every single way!


  1. So true. Thanks for sharing. I get upset when I see someone being bullied. I have to step in and help them. Sometimes, I just walk up and say is everything ok here. Do you need help? The bullies just roll their eyes and walk away. Its not fun when they can't get a reaction. So stay strong out there, and know that no one is perfect but all of us are Perfectly Made.

    1. It's good to get involved! The teens you help are probably very thankful that someone actually stood up for them! Thank you!
