Tuesday, June 25, 2013

A Cry For Help

When you get bullied what is the first thing you do? Well what I did was I started shutting my loved ones out, I didn't do it purposely I just thought nobody would understand because I thought what the bullies were calling me were true and if they thought it was true everyone must have thought that as well. Wrong! When we shut out the people we are the ones limiting people in our lives to be there for us rather than them not caring about us. It can be so scary to talk to someone about whats going on, or telling them the names you were being called, for a long time I wouldn't tell anyone because in a previous experience they ended up not talking to me anymore or they just told other people everything I told them. They would laugh at me calling me a loser, saying I was a wimp and stuff like that and yes it gets harder to trust people out there, but we cant live our lives sad and feeling alone. We actually do have a person to talk to, I know sounds crazy but its true. I had my aunt, when I was upset she would call me and if I didn't tell her she would stay on the phone until I told her, I was surprised that she actually cared and she ended up being the one I told and still tell everything to. We all have that one person to talk out our problems with, we just need to take our wall down and let them help us. It can be a neighbor, a teacher, a sister, an aunt, or our parents we just have to stop pushing them away and be open with them. Because if we trust them enough and if they really do love you they wanted to help you get better and to be happy again. If they didn't truly care they wouldn't have asked. We should be able to tell that special person anything, make sure its someone you trust really well. So when should we start to talk to someone about bulling? Well, lets first talk about what bullying is. Bullying is when we get tormented everyday by the same person, when you get pushed around by them after class getting called names and sometimes even physically hurt. So when should we start to talk it out with someone? Well I kinda hit a breaking point, so I talked it out then, but many of you might not hit a breaking point. You should start talking it out when you just get flat out tired of carrying all that dramatic weight by yourself. When you don't think you can handle it, go talk to someone because once you do it feels like a million weights are lifted off of you. Yes you might still get bullied everyday but you start to get on the road to recovery because you no longer are fighting this battle alone. Their is nothing wrong with being the victim and if your getting bullied thats what you are, please go find someone to talk to and always remember if you don't have anyone to talk to you can talk to me :)

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