Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Power Of Walking Away

We've all heard the saying "Just Turn The Other Cheek" but how many times do we have to get slapped before it actually starts to pay off? Is it when we get verbally slapped it's building us up to be stronger even though it feels like it's tearing us down. When I got bullied my first instinct was to fight back, an later run to the girls bathroom and pray nobody followed me and saw my tears. But looking back I don't understand why I actually wasted my tears on them, their opinions didn't define who I was, yes they hurt, but I know who I'am and just because somebody doesn't like it shouldn't matter. The ability of walking away is knowing that you are who you because that's who we were made to be and that's what makes us happy. The only time we should change ourself is when we want to change for the better not to change because someone didn't like us being different. Even if you think what the bullies are saying is true having the ability to walk away gives you more power. It proves to them that you are stronger than what they think, and what you have to remember is just because they don't like you doesn't mean you should change to please them. Though it may be hard to walk away remember that being yourself is fine! Nobody is made to be the same because even if we were people would still find ways to bring you down. You are never going to be able to please everybody, but if you please yourself that's all that should matter.

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