Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Mean Girls- Rachel Crow

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." -Eleanor Roosevelt
   This video is seriously the best way to represent bullying, they are just mean girls. They will pick at you and try to tear you down but you have to remember that you are so much more than what they are saying about you. You are perfectly made <3


  1. Eleanor Roosevelt was a smart women and this quote is one I keep near me at all times. I remember high school and the bullying that went on even back in the olden days. It wasn't easy to remember that bullies are insecure and they pick on you because you have something they don't have - y.o.u. You are wonderful to help others in your situation because that shows you are growing and developing into a young confident women. Even though that won't happen overnight - hang in there. Learn to learn, grow and love yourself. It's by giving that you learn the most.

    1. Thank you so much! Bullying is just an awful situation, I wanted to make a difference and this is how I'm doing so. I just try to remember that there might have been something going on in the bullies life and they took it out on me, though I wish I would've known that through the process but I'm glad I know it now. Like you said confidence doesn't grow over night but I know by reading comments like your I'm getting more and more confidence each day. Thanks again! :)
