Sunday, June 30, 2013

You Shouldn't Wanna Be Anybody Else

What is the goals that you want to accomplish before you graduate high school? Could it be to become prom queen or maybe to be the most popular student or maybe to be captain of the football team (being relatable to guys). Its like a dream trying to become one of those things, we would do anything to get that crown and to have that spot light dance with the hottie you had an eyes on all year. But why do we do this? My aunt and I were going through her yearbook and we got to the page were all the prom court was, I asked if she knew what happened to everybody on the prom court and she went on saying that most of them didn't become very successful. They either worked in a store as a cashier or became a waitress, I'm not saying anything is wrong with that but girls work hard their whole school year, being fake, tearing people, just trying to prove how much cooler they are and look were they end up. Their is so much more than wearing the pound of makeup, and wearing the name brand clothing. When I look back at my life in years to come, I'd rather look back knowing I always tried to give a positive outlook to people and studied hard and actually be successful than being someone who tears others down to get that plastic crown for that one night. I know during your time in school you can't see it but their really is so much more to life than just school. It does end at some point than you get to start a new life, and being yourself will get you so much farther than being like someone else. All those popular girls at school will be totally lost when they become apart of the real because they grew up being fake and not knowing who they were, so they end up not knowing what to like or what to do because they pretended to like everything their friends liked. Being different is a good thing, you make your own rules, and you know who you want to be and how you want to make a difference in the world. If your having a bad time at school remember that it will end, and know that you will go big as long as you put your mind to it and stay true to yourself.

Friday, June 28, 2013


    Why do you let people label you? Why do you let people define who you are? Why do you let them label you and then you run your life by it? Since when did being unique be a bad thing, I don't want to be just like that blonde girl who picks on everyone because she's afraid of people seeing her insecurities . Beauty isn't everything, their is way more to life then being the prom queen or looking like some Victoria Secrets model. Now I'm not saying their is anything wrong with that but why let it define who you are? To me personality is way more interesting than beauty, everybody keeps trying to be the same skinny, barbie doll and they start to all look the same. Be the different one, be the one that stands out from the rest, because that is way more cool than trying to be someone your not. Lets say you like to wear blue wigs to school, I'm not going to lie to you and say people wont pick on you because they will, but if thats what makes you happy it shouldn't matter what others think. Your living life for you not anybody else, and at the end of the day if your happy thats all that should matter. So what if people pick on you, and call you names, you know who you are. Surround yourself with people that support you individualism instead of trying to make you into everybody else. Their is nothing cool with being just like everyone else, everybody tries to fit in because they want to play it safe in life and try to be like everyone else. But being unique is being you and if your unique their is nobody like you, you play by your own rules because you don't care what people have to say. So stay unique because the world could use a little different.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Take A Stand

    I just found this video about bullying. It gives a different aspect of bullying, thankfully I didn't have to go through this kind of bullying. But it made me realize that I might not have gone through it but many of you might have, so I decided I'm going to do more research and post more about verbal and physical bullying because it all hurts and it needs to be talked about! Also go on the website (The Website Page!) and go take the pledge to end bullying. And if you have never been bullied you can still take a stand, every pledge counts and it will make a difference, please continue sharing this blog as well, lets take a stand against bullying.

 "In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies,but the silence of our friends." -Martin Luther King Jr.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Bullied Turning Into The Bully

  Do you get bullied and then start comparing yourself to other people? Saying, well at least I'm not as bad as her or at least I don't look like her. Aren't we just doing what the bullies did to us? Remember this when you see a person sitting alone at lunch or getting picked, on go stand up for them or go sit by them because you were once in that position, and you know exactly how it felt. That person sitting alone feeling like they don't belong and they have so many insecurities that they think they are the weird one, go be a friend to them show them that their are better people out there than "The Popular Girls".  Think twice next time before you start to call somebody fat, or ugly or just simply making fun of one of their insecurities, though you might not of known be careful what you say because you don't know if you pushed them farther to the edge, be kind and remember that you were in there shoes once, be a friend because you were once wondering why all your friends left you. Stay Strong Lovely.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Who Says Your Not Perfect?

The only definition of perfect is you! Nobody is more perfect than the next we are all perfect in our own way, though we make mistakes we are only human and we can only be ourselves and follow our dream. Like life like a dream and never wake up from it <3

A Cry For Help

When you get bullied what is the first thing you do? Well what I did was I started shutting my loved ones out, I didn't do it purposely I just thought nobody would understand because I thought what the bullies were calling me were true and if they thought it was true everyone must have thought that as well. Wrong! When we shut out the people we are the ones limiting people in our lives to be there for us rather than them not caring about us. It can be so scary to talk to someone about whats going on, or telling them the names you were being called, for a long time I wouldn't tell anyone because in a previous experience they ended up not talking to me anymore or they just told other people everything I told them. They would laugh at me calling me a loser, saying I was a wimp and stuff like that and yes it gets harder to trust people out there, but we cant live our lives sad and feeling alone. We actually do have a person to talk to, I know sounds crazy but its true. I had my aunt, when I was upset she would call me and if I didn't tell her she would stay on the phone until I told her, I was surprised that she actually cared and she ended up being the one I told and still tell everything to. We all have that one person to talk out our problems with, we just need to take our wall down and let them help us. It can be a neighbor, a teacher, a sister, an aunt, or our parents we just have to stop pushing them away and be open with them. Because if we trust them enough and if they really do love you they wanted to help you get better and to be happy again. If they didn't truly care they wouldn't have asked. We should be able to tell that special person anything, make sure its someone you trust really well. So when should we start to talk to someone about bulling? Well, lets first talk about what bullying is. Bullying is when we get tormented everyday by the same person, when you get pushed around by them after class getting called names and sometimes even physically hurt. So when should we start to talk it out with someone? Well I kinda hit a breaking point, so I talked it out then, but many of you might not hit a breaking point. You should start talking it out when you just get flat out tired of carrying all that dramatic weight by yourself. When you don't think you can handle it, go talk to someone because once you do it feels like a million weights are lifted off of you. Yes you might still get bullied everyday but you start to get on the road to recovery because you no longer are fighting this battle alone. Their is nothing wrong with being the victim and if your getting bullied thats what you are, please go find someone to talk to and always remember if you don't have anyone to talk to you can talk to me :)

Monday, June 24, 2013

You Don't Know Your Beautiful

I know we all judge ourselves, we see the most gorgeous girl and we wish we could look like her or we look in the mirror and wonder why we couldn't of been skinny, or have a smaller nose, or have a flawless complexion. But why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we question our looks and instantly think we are ugly? Our low confidence is what gets us down. Its like this, when we have a good outfit on, we think we are the hottest thing out there. We walk with our head held a little higher, we strut a little more, and our smile might be a little brighter, we feel awesome. But what changed from the outfit we had on yesterday? Absolutely nothing! The way we present ourselves gives us more confidence, we start to feel pretty and we know nobody can break us down. If someone calls you ugly, or fat just remember that we were all made to perfection, the mirror doesn't define our beauty our mind and heart does. It starts with confidence.  When you wake up in the morning look in the mirror and say "I was put on this earth for a reason, today I will not let anyone define who I'am because I know who I'am and I know I'am beautiful inside and out." Don't let people define your life because its your life! You make the changes and you call the shots, its up to you! And that is what truly what makes you beautiful <3

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Change Your Life- Little Mix

This song is a perfect example of "Loosing The Battle Winning The War" because it proves once again they are just bullies, and that we should be happy with ourselves. If your getting bullied don't listen to them look at the truth that you ARE beautiful, bullies can try to bring you done but they'll never see the greatness that is inside you! So stand tall and keep your head held high!

Loosing The Battle, Winning The War

     I know many of you are probably confused and wondering what this might mean, and well its really simple. When bullies bully you it feels like day after day torment like its never ending, and thats the battle. You put up with it and it makes you feel like crap at the end if the day, as if your loosing the battle. But by waking up day after day and knowing that their is so much more to live for than what they say, you are winning the war. And pretty soon you realize that they are nothing but mean girls. They are just trying to rip you down because someone might have ripped them down so they think that's what they are suppose to do to you and other people. When I was getting bullied I got called ugly,  I got told I had a messed up face and I should just put a bag over my face. It made me so insecure that I thought I had to change myself to become liked. I cut my hair and put on what seemed like a pound of makeup because thats what I thought I had to do to become liked. I transformed into something that wasn't me just to please others and it ended up not working, I still got picked on, and that was a battle I lost. I soon realized that they would NEVER stop even though I transformed and acted different. I let my hair grow out and I wore less makeup I showed the real me and yes I still got picked on but I was being me which made me happy. I didn't want to be the bullies fake barbie doll anymore I wanted to be me a happy, bubbly 15 year old girl. And thats how I won the battle because I realized at the end of the day it doesn't matter what they think, it matters what I think and if at the end of the day I wad happy thats all that mattered. So stay happy and be yourself, because thats how you win the battle by being you and not caring what people have to say about it.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Words Hurt

The girl in the video, is someone as you can tell got bullied by many people because she might have made a mistake. Teens get told their not good enough by bullies all the time, but what is good enough? Everybody's version is different, know that you are special in your own way because truthfully to some people you will never be good enough. Because you might have been better at something than they are or they might have some situation going on, so they will try to bring you down. But just smile and remember people throw rocks at things that shine. Stay Strong!

Pushing Others Away

     Its very common that when we become bullied we start to push everyone away, isolating them from us. Soon our closes friends become distant strangers because we were afraid they would start to bully us as well so we don't let them help us at all. I remember when I was getting bullied I pushed everybody away, my best friends, my parents, and even my aunt and uncle ( whom I adore). And the only reason I did that was because I thought they wouldn't understand or would think I was just a cry baby, I soon just ignored my friends, didn't answer phone calls from my family and I would just sit in my room and and watch movies and cry myself to sleep. So why do we do this? Why do we say we have nobody to talk to but yet we pushed them all away and this was because we were fearfully and with that we made assumptions. Because we were getting bullied we assumed that everyone was out to get us, that we had to worry about getting hurt from the ones who love us. We don't tell them anything because we feel we can handle it all and don't want them to get involved and possibly make matters extremely worse. I remember I thought I could handle it all and so I just tried putting on a strong face, but one day my friend face-timed me and wanted to talk and she said she heard the rumors that were going around about me from my peers (and she doesn't even live in the same state as me,she used to) and that then I broke down in tears, right in front of her I knew I couldn't handle it, so I just cried. I felt like I hit rock bottom and I was just waiting for her to just say everything will be alright and that speech that everybody says, and though she started out with that she gave me some very good advice. She gave me a reality check, she pointed out that I still had my friends and that they were concerned that I'd fallen into a depression, and thats exactly when I realized I needed my friends more than anything. When someone that you trust is trying to help let them, they are trying to make it better for you and proving that though people might be bullying you, you still have them. So please for the sake of your happiness DON'T push your friends away, they really want to be there for you and you need to trust them and allow them in.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Mean Girls- Rachel Crow

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." -Eleanor Roosevelt
   This video is seriously the best way to represent bullying, they are just mean girls. They will pick at you and try to tear you down but you have to remember that you are so much more than what they are saying about you. You are perfectly made <3

We've All Been In That Position

   We all know what it's like to be the outcast of your school. We know how it feels to be the one sitting alone at lunch or walking the halls and hearing the whispers all around you or just constant stares as you just try and make it to your class room. Sometimes we feel we have nobody to turn towards because everybody that we trusted and said they'd never turn there back on you ended up doing so, which makes it so we feel we are our own best friends. I know that feeling because I was in that position, I know what its like to feel on top of the world and have many friends then one silly rumor goes around and it seems you are the most hated person around. You feel that something is wrong with you but in reality it something thats wrong with the bullies. Now at the time it just doesn't make any sense but trust me, looking back it does and thats why I'm making this blog to show you that it does get better, and to help you understand that you ARE beautiful and wonderful in every single way!