Saturday, November 30, 2013

Your Voice

     Is the fact that the bullies bully you because of the tone of your voice, or the way you talk to them? Or is it that you have a voice? In the time I got bullied i always wondered what I did to them, I didn't show any weakness at school but when I got home it all went out, it made me think they're not mad because I did something wrong, they were mad that I kept going and kept being myself. They wanted me to be breaking down in tears in front of them, they needed to feel inferior in order to be satisfied. They fed off of that, and when I didn't give them that satisfactory they got meaner. And soon they gave up, they saw how dumb they actually looked. They tried to spread rumors and tried to make me out to be some sort of slut that got around, people would ask me if it was true and I would laugh and make a joke about it. Yeah, it did hurt it hurt alot but by being able to act like nothing mattered was my voice. It showed strength, it broke the mean girls down, it drove them crazy. Be that voice, show them you have one, Fake it till you Make it.If you have to put a smile on your face and show them nothings wrong and nothing will bother you  soon you'll realize its just petty school drama and its not worth loosing sleep over. Keep that smile on your face, you are very strong for getting this far. Continue to stand out from the crowd, be your own voice, be you. Because being basic is very boring.

Monday, October 14, 2013

A Little Message To You

Though it may seem like it, taking your life is not the only answer. Their is help for you, and I promise you will get through this. Please no you are not the only person going through bullying, others are too. We are all in this together, and I don't want to stop till every single teen feels safe and free from the wrath of bullies.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

My Story

So I guess its time for me to tell you my story. I want you guys to understand that I know were you guys are coming from because I have been there. Its hard for me to even tell this story but from experience I know that sooner or later gets better. I moved out of my home town, out of my comfort zone to a new place an unknown place to me. I started my new life at a new school and for a while things were going great but as you know when you think something is going good it just takes a turn for the worst. A kid one day came to school after seeing a photo of me on Facebook, he said I was ugly that I needed to break my nose than maybe I might look good. I cried, I tried to let it go, but it always was in the back of my mind and on some days still is. Now that's not even that bad part, I kept going through the school getting called short, ugly, and much more and than all of a sudden the biggest rumor that changed everything got spread around. The same kid that told me to break my nose wanted me to send him an inappropriate picture of myself to him. I refused to because that is not who I am, I am bigger than that. He got angry and told the whole school that I sent him a naked picture of myself and worst of all he had a picture of some other girl saying it was me! He told everybody I had a nasty body and was ugly. I would go home crying every night because people would literally leave the table because of those rumors, they wouldn't talk to me, they would call me a whore, a slut, and worst of all they would tell me to fix myself because of what they thought they saw. It was so hard for me, I went into a bad depression because of it, I never wanted to leave my room, I cried myself to sleep constantly, I even almost started cutting and a few times I almost did the unthinkable, I almost took away my life. Being the new kid was hard, I had nobody, and I felt like garbage, nobody cared. Finally the end of the school year came so I decided to I couldn't take it anymore, I decided to move back home and try to escape. Little did I know that the girls that bullied me still had my number and would still torment me. I got texts from girls calling me a coward, saying I was "Their bitch" ( I'm going very into detail) I got told I would never be able to run away and this girl even told me to "shave my cave" because of the picture she saw (which again wasn't me). I couldn't believe it, why would they keep tormenting me? What did I do wrong?  blocked the bullies numbers, blocked them on every social media site and guess what I felt free. Free from the torture, free from fear, free from from what almost took my life away. I realized they were mad that I won, I was able to escape, I was able to be my own person. They are still stuck in the hell that they made for themselves, I was free from it. It does get better, recently I went to homecoming and I had the best time in a long time! If i would've taken my life away when I thought it wouldn't get better I wouldn't be experiencing my first kiss, my first boyfriend, being with my friends, or many other things to look forward too. It does get better, though it doesn't seem that way it does. If I got through this so can you. Please for the sake of your life Stay Strong <3

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Are You Happy Now?

Their is nothing wrong with standing out and being different from others. Remember, though it may not seem like it their is someone that loves you, someone that cares. Don't let the bullies tear you down, don't let them break you and make you think your something that your not. If you are a bully I hope your happy that you made that person feel insecure, or you made that person cry I hope your happy that you made them hide behind a personality that doesn't represent them. If you are getting bullied remember that you don't know the story behind the bullies, though it doesn't make it right, you don't know what they are going through. The best revenge you can do to the bullies is proving them wrong and showing them the real you, and being okay with it.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Take That Brave Step

"Do one thing everyday that scares you."- Eleanor Roosevelt

The quote above is a quote that we should live by daily. When we get bullied were afraid to do stuff we love because we're afraid of getting judged by other people. We don't want them to see it as a flaw if we fail. But we shouldn't worry about what they think! Don't be someone that looks back on their life and say well I should've done this or I wish I would've done this. If you do something that you dream of and at first you fail just remember you had te courage to actually try. You took that brave step into trying while the others just sat there and watched. If we do something that we fear we are becoming braver and its building us into the unique person that we are.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Power Of Walking Away

We've all heard the saying "Just Turn The Other Cheek" but how many times do we have to get slapped before it actually starts to pay off? Is it when we get verbally slapped it's building us up to be stronger even though it feels like it's tearing us down. When I got bullied my first instinct was to fight back, an later run to the girls bathroom and pray nobody followed me and saw my tears. But looking back I don't understand why I actually wasted my tears on them, their opinions didn't define who I was, yes they hurt, but I know who I'am and just because somebody doesn't like it shouldn't matter. The ability of walking away is knowing that you are who you because that's who we were made to be and that's what makes us happy. The only time we should change ourself is when we want to change for the better not to change because someone didn't like us being different. Even if you think what the bullies are saying is true having the ability to walk away gives you more power. It proves to them that you are stronger than what they think, and what you have to remember is just because they don't like you doesn't mean you should change to please them. Though it may be hard to walk away remember that being yourself is fine! Nobody is made to be the same because even if we were people would still find ways to bring you down. You are never going to be able to please everybody, but if you please yourself that's all that should matter.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

You Shouldn't Wanna Be Anybody Else

What is the goals that you want to accomplish before you graduate high school? Could it be to become prom queen or maybe to be the most popular student or maybe to be captain of the football team (being relatable to guys). Its like a dream trying to become one of those things, we would do anything to get that crown and to have that spot light dance with the hottie you had an eyes on all year. But why do we do this? My aunt and I were going through her yearbook and we got to the page were all the prom court was, I asked if she knew what happened to everybody on the prom court and she went on saying that most of them didn't become very successful. They either worked in a store as a cashier or became a waitress, I'm not saying anything is wrong with that but girls work hard their whole school year, being fake, tearing people, just trying to prove how much cooler they are and look were they end up. Their is so much more than wearing the pound of makeup, and wearing the name brand clothing. When I look back at my life in years to come, I'd rather look back knowing I always tried to give a positive outlook to people and studied hard and actually be successful than being someone who tears others down to get that plastic crown for that one night. I know during your time in school you can't see it but their really is so much more to life than just school. It does end at some point than you get to start a new life, and being yourself will get you so much farther than being like someone else. All those popular girls at school will be totally lost when they become apart of the real because they grew up being fake and not knowing who they were, so they end up not knowing what to like or what to do because they pretended to like everything their friends liked. Being different is a good thing, you make your own rules, and you know who you want to be and how you want to make a difference in the world. If your having a bad time at school remember that it will end, and know that you will go big as long as you put your mind to it and stay true to yourself.